SGVUX Events
SGVUX#38: Outdoor Escape Room in Pasadena
We are planning an in-person meetup with a brunch and an escape room outdoors in the city of Pasadena.
DIA Design also hosts the San Gabriel Valley UX meetups, east of Downtown Los Angeles, California. At the moment, we're still playing it safe and meeting on Discord and Zoom.
SGVUX Events
We are planning an in-person meetup with a brunch and an escape room outdoors in the city of Pasadena.
SGVUX Events
The month of March brings us a number of great conferences that we're attending. From World IA Day Los Angeles, to CSUN's assistive tech conference (March 14-17), to IAC23 (March 28-April 1, New Orleans), there are plenty of topics to inspire us and share what we&
SGVUX Events
It's a challenge to organize our work, let alone our lives. Luckily there's smarter ways of doing so!
SGVUX Events
UX Designers aren’t the only ones to benefit from a critique. How often do you get to reflect on your own research interviewing skills?
SGVUX Events
No matter what stage your project is in, work or passion, we're a "community of strangers and friends" to give critique, evaluate, discuss and give feedback to help you on your project. These discussions will help presenters talk through, learn, and iterate on whatever they'
SGVUX Events
As designers we all know that we grow best by learning from one another. Plus, who wouldn't want to make a new friend?
SGVUX Events
Albert Liu shares his experience as a product manager in games.
SGVUX Events
Two Octobers ago, we hosted our first event on dark patterns. Jesse Lee Despard and Wanda Seto showed up in costume and gave an "evil by design" talk. It was good, spooky, and awesome. It was recorded live, but we didn't have a good microphone at
SGVUX Events
DIA Design Guild uses GitHub [https://github.com/] for planning, documentation, and all sorts of things not related to development (yet). Well, we're figuring it out along the way and learning ways to instill a practice and reverence for documentation, accountability, and transparency in the same environment as
SGVUX Events
When Grace first started this endeavor 4 years ago this month with Alexis Mendoza [https://www.diadesign.io/about/team/alexis-mendoza/] and Geno Sanchez [https://www.diadesign.io/about/team/geno-sanchez/], our mission was to be that training place for new and transitioning UX/tech practitioners to practice and build
SGVUX Events
Seven of us met in a secret Zoom room and talked about Asian dramas for a whole hour. A Miro board helped us visualize the drama-watching experience we watched as we called out gateway dramas; listed out characteristics of the drama-curious, drama-casual, and the drama-addict; and prompted conversations about how
SGVUX Events
Let's talk about what it means to work in UX (… or we could talk about what it means to build a community around the Asian drama watching experience). This past month on our Discord community, we started talking about foundational UX, agile UX, different design processes and design