Rechelle Abalos

Rechelle Abalos
Meet Rechelle Abalos
Tell us about yourself.

I'm a proud New Yorker turned Texan, currently calling Dallas home for the past year. With a background in marketing and loyalty strategy spanning two years at a foodtech company, I'm now channeling my passion into breaking into product design, ignited during my UX Design Bootcamp amidst the pandemic. Off the clock, you'll find me knee-deep in wedding plans, buried in a good book, or debating whether to add yet another plant to my growing collection.

What are you looking forward to learning a/o doing?

I'm really looking forward to getting involved in upcoming projects and contributing to the lively community fostered by the DIA Design Guild. Drawing inspiration from the impactful work of past apprenticeships with non-profits, I'm excited about the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in a similar vein. I'm eager to connect with and learn from the peers and mentors available through this opportunity, all with the hope of finally breaking into the Product world.

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